Monday, April 25, 2011


Greetings to one and all!  I am a statistically normal person from the great Midwest, who isn't sure where I stand in Politics anymore...  Like most of us, I think that its due to a strange cross-contamination of information overload due to today's non-stop media coverage & growing older/wiser.

When your a kid its easy - I spend a lot of time with my kids - they remind you all the time about how the world is supposed to be...  Filled with Good-guys/Bad-Guys and the rest of us just trying to go through with pretty good intentions while we pursue happiness.  Its funny, but I think that's how we all start too - with altruistic views of everything we are taught, like that we should share our toys and help out by doing our chores.  But no adult I've ever met wants to let someone borrow their car simply because you don't have one.  Oh, and if you want anyone over the age of 16 to help out with something that can be equated to work, then they are going to want something that equates to payment for those services.

The world has changed.  I'm trying to find out where the middle-ground is... and just maybe by sorting through it all here I can help everyone to find their own Center.

1 comment:

  1. well, I know someone over the age of 16 & has done a fair share of helping who doesn't want pay. excited to see this blog get started!! good luck and stick with it!
